Holiday Rally Day #22: Motivation to Move - Podcasts and Audiobooks

I have become totally addicted to Podcasts and Audiobooks. I listen to them on my everyday walks around the neighborhood.

After 14 years of living in the same house and walking the same loops, it began to get a little repetitive and I became unmotivated…enter Podcasts and Audiobooks!

Before I discovered the ease and convenience of audiobooks, I’m embarrassed to say I had barely read an entire book in the last 5 years!

I’ve made up for that, though, since COVID reared its ugly head. Many, many walks and miles later I have a continuously growing list of books and podcasts to share with you!

Even better, they are all free.

I downloaded an app through my library (Axis360) to have access to audiobooks. Yah sure, I have to wait sometimes to read a book when there aren’t enough copies, but there are so many good books out there that I just keep a running list of books on hold.

If I’m in between books, I usually use podcasts to fill in the space. It works out awesome and keeps me walking!

I even roped my husband in to listening on long road trips – we listened to Daisy Jones and the Six on the way to and from South Dakota for a softball tournament. The hours in the car flew by!

I’m always looking for more suggestions so if you have something you love, please share!

Here are my favorite Audiobooks:

The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker

The Henna Artist by Alka Joshi

The Rumi Prescription: How an Ancient Mystic Poet Changed My Modern Manic Life by Melody Moezzi

Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens (I heard a rumor that Reese Witherspoon might produce this as a movie!)

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert

Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Educated by Tara Westover

Forest Bathing by Dr. Qing Li

Light is the New Black by Rebecca Campbell


Here are my favorite podcasts:

Unlocking Us (Brene Brown) – All of them, but I loved the ones with Obama, Priya Parker and David Eagleman

Dare to Lead (Brene Brown)

Dolly Parton’s America (so much history involved in this one!)

Terrible, Thanks for Asking (A podcast about death, hardships and tragedies and how people overcome them – it’s not as heavy as you’d think. Very enlightening.)

The Splendid Table (of course, there has to be some cooking/food podcasts, right?!)

Danica Patrick Pretty Intense

How I Built This (Stories of how companies like Ben & Jerry’s, Kodiak Cakes and Zappos got started)

Lighthouse Conversations (Produced in Denver by an Awakened friend of mine, Chelly Canales)

Together Apart (Priya Parker – the Author of Art of Gathering)

The Goop Podcast

The Cosmic Calling (for my Astrology fix!)

Go make some time for fresh air and a book!


Holiday Rally Day #23: Gratitude


Holiday Rally Day #21: Winter Solstice Traditions