Holiday Rally Day #13

It’s the weekend! I hope you’re taking some time to meditate, love on yourself, and JOURNAL!

Last weekend we talked about List Journaling, so this weekend I wanted to introduce you to Morning Pages.

I first learned about Morning Pages from a class I took during my Health Coach Certification from Julia Cameron. It is a method of journaling that uses stream of conscious writing. The idea is to wake up and before you do anything else write at least three pages of whatever comes up.

Write your morning pages as quickly as possible because if you slow down your inner critic starts to tell you that its bad writing or that there are grammatical errors. The trick to morning pages is just to write – to vent, to dream, to yell or scream, to be pissed or grateful or happy, to just empty your head.

Julia Cameron, Author of The Artist’s Way, writes, “Pages clarify our yearnings. They keep an eye on our goals. They may provoke us, coax us, comfort us, even cajole us, as well as prioritize and synchronize the day at hand. If we are drifting, the pages will point that out. They will point the way True North. Each morning, as we face the page, we meet ourselves. The pages give us a place to vent and a place to dream. They are intended for no eyes but our own.”

This weekend, I invite you to try out the Morning Pages method.



Holiday Rally Day #13: Self Love Journal Prompt


Holiday Rally Day #11: Imbibe With Boundaries