Holiday Rally Day #19: Brain Dump Journaling

Another Saturday, another style of journaling!

We’ve talked a little bit about using Morning Pages and List Journaling to brain dump, but today’s type of journaling is a more organized and specific way to brain dump.

You can use this method for to-do lists, but also studying for tests, learning a new skill or organizing tasks.

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Mental Health, Stress Management Robyn Johnson Mental Health, Stress Management Robyn Johnson

Holiday Rally Day #15: Love the Laughter

What makes you laugh - like serious gut-ache, cheeks hurting, tears streaming laugh? I love the rush of relaxation I feel after a good laugh, but sadly, I don’t feel like I’ve laughed that hard in a while.

They say, “Laughter is the best medicine.”

Scientists have done research to discover that laughter, humor and even just smiling have a number of benefits that support your physical and mental health, including:

-        Reduction of stress and anxiety

-        Improving optimism

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Journal, Journaling, Mental Health Robyn Johnson Journal, Journaling, Mental Health Robyn Johnson

Holiday Rally Day #13

It’s the weekend! I hope you’re taking some time to meditate, love on yourself, and JOURNAL!

Last weekend we talked about List Journaling, so this weekend I wanted to introduce you to Morning Pages.

I first learned about Morning Pages from a class I took during my Health Coach Certification from Julia Cameron. It is a method of journaling that uses stream of conscious writing. The idea is to wake up and before you do anything else write at least three pages of whatever comes up.

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Journaling, Mental Health, Stress Management Robyn Johnson Journaling, Mental Health, Stress Management Robyn Johnson

Holiday Rally Day #6: List Journaling

For me, a big part of journaling is to brain dump.

I’m like a computer with way too many windows open on my browser. What happens to your computer when you have too many windows open? It starts to run slower, process slower, glitch out, and make you angry, right?!

I feel that journaling has the effect of closing some of my open windows in order to create optimization.

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