Holiday Rally Day #16: New Moon Blessings

On Monday, there was a New Moon. No, I’m not a professional astrologer and I don’t base all my life decisions on astrology, but I do find comfort and sometimes guidance or ideas in the cycles of the planets and the moon.

I’ve been especially paying attention to New Moons lately after learning that they can signify new beginnings, new strength and new power. Who doesn’t want a new beginning right now?

I believe the phase of the New Moon is a powerful time to set new intentions to focus on until the next New Moon. It’s sort of my monthly reminder to reevaluate where I am and where I want to go…a time of reflection and gratitude.

Questions to help you set your intentions for a New Moon phase:

  • What new project or interest do I want to learn, research or discover?

  • What am I grateful for?

  • What kind of relationships am I looking for?

  • What area of my life do I want to improve or make changes?

  • What am I ready to let go of in order to move forward?


Other ways to welcome and honor a New Moon phase include:

  1. Sage your home.

  2. Create a mini vision board.

  3. Light a candle (to bring light to the darkest day of the month and to the darkest corners of your life).

  4. Make a detailed list of your dreams and desires.

  5. Take a bath.

  6. Sit in meditation.

New Moon Blessings to you!


Holiday Rally Day #17: Get Outside!


Holiday Rally Day #15: Love the Laughter