Intentions, Setting Goals, Setting Intentions Robyn Johnson Intentions, Setting Goals, Setting Intentions Robyn Johnson

Have You Chosen Your Word for 2021?

New Year’s Day often puts pressure on having all your goals and intentions set and made for the next year. For some of us it works to sit down on January 1 and map it all out, but personally, I need some time to sit in the New Year frame of mind. I often don’t choose my word or set intentions until we’re at least a few weeks in. So far this year has already had its multitude of distractions, disappointments and challenges, which has nudged me to set some intentions with a little more fervor than I normally would simply to be more focused and centered.

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5 Ways to Set Your 2021 Intentions & Goals

It’s that time of year again when we all stop drinking alcohol, stop eating everything except vegetables, exercise like we’re training for the Olympics, follow the strictest schedule and stress ourselves out with an endless list of goals, dreams and desires! This year should be extra stressy with all that has happened (and not happened) in 2020.

Don’t get me wrong. I am ALL IN for creative vision boards, setting intentions and dreaming up new dreams for the New Year. However, I am completely against putting all sorts of extra pressure on ourselves. I like to set intentions that support me and lift me up.

Here are five things I take into consideration when exploring and determining what I want my New Year to look like:

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