5 Ways to Set Your 2021 Intentions & Goals

It’s that time of year again when we all stop drinking alcohol, stop eating everything except vegetables, exercise like we’re training for the Olympics, follow the strictest schedule and stress ourselves out with an endless list of goals, dreams and desires! This year should be extra stressy with all that has happened (and not happened) in 2020.

Don’t get me wrong. I am ALL IN for creative vision boards, setting intentions and dreaming up new dreams for the New Year. However, I am completely against putting all sorts of extra pressure on ourselves. I like to set intentions that support me and lift me up.

Here are five things I take into consideration when exploring and determining what I want my New Year to look like:

1.      Set limitations or boundaries – Writing down an endless list of goals can be extremely overwhelming and cause unwanted stress. Consider evaluating your top priorities. Once you have reached those goals, you can always add more to the mix. Remember, KISS – Keep It Simple and Specific!


2.      Make room for change and flexibility – If we have learned anything in 2020, it is to be flexible and ready for change. We still have no idea where Covid will take us in 2021, so this year especially, think about setting more short term goals and intentions. I love creating monthly intentions with each month’s new moon. I believe monthly goals and intentions are less overwhelming, easier to achieve, and more malleable. You can also use monthly goals to support your annual Vision Board.


3.      Break Your Goals into Categories - Sometimes it can be helpful to set goals based on different categories in your life, including career, relationships, spirituality, religion, health, nutrition, family, etc. Remember, don’t go crazy. Try for one goal or intention in each category.


4.      Create one vibe, energy or word – Instead of a long list of goals and intentions, consider creating one total vibe, energy or word for the Year 2021. Maybe you want to approach your life with more peace, joy, intention or vibrance. Try creating a Vision Board that gives you the feeling you want to feel.


5.      Use your five (or six) senses -Take the time to touch base with all five (or six) senses – sight, scent, sound, touch, taste and intuition. This works well if you decide to create one vibe, energy or word for your New Year. However, you can also use your senses to make goals, Vision Boards, dreams and intentions more powerful. What do your goals taste like or what type of foods best support your intentions? What scents do you want to use in your home or on your body? What fabrics or styles would fit into this picture? Do you have a theme song for the year? Think about colors, textures and objects that feel good. What is your intuition – your gut feeling?


This is such a special time of year to take time to rest, go inward and visualize your best life. Yes, you can! You are worthy of the life you have always dreamed. The Universe wants you to have everything you want. You just have to ask for it.

I believe this is OUR year to come together and support each other. I wish you a BLISSED OUT New Year’s Eve to celebrate and let go of the past year, and a Happy New Year during which we will move forward and dance with PEACE.


Shift Into The New Year


Holiday Rally Day #23: Gratitude